Friday, September 4, 2009

Brief comments so far

Hi Everyone

I've had a few brief comments on the draft by email, and thought I'd anonymously quote some of what's been said so far.

'I’m still ‘digesting’ the writings you sent, but immediately want to take the “Food Afters” content into InDesign and go wild! I like the experimental format.'

'It comes off as as a really awesome discussion, which I would like to add more to'

'It's quite successful how you've done this but I wished there was something more at the beginning and end'.

'It told me I don't have access. ?'

'It came out very interesting and I am very glad that I am part of the project.'

'On a first read through this looks (surprisingly!) good. I'll think about any edits but for now have not made any.'

'this looks fabulous. thanks so much. will peruse more and be back to you'.

'Who is saying that we need to cut the document by 1,500 words? That would/may be a real shame because I think it reads really well.'

[Answer: these food reviews have ended up being a bit longer than normal, with 'Following' at 5,000 words + refs and 'Mixing' at 6,700 + refs. If there's a consensus that we should ask if an 8,000 word paper would be OK under our circumstances, then I'm happy to send an email and report back].

Also, the paragraph starting "I think you are correct to identify.." has now been correctly attributed to David.

It seems that there's been some quick skim reading, and promises to have a closer look as soon as possible. Kersty emailed today with a more detailed response and this is posted above. Other detailed responses would be good too, and it would be useful to see some comments along the lines of 'I liked the way that these excerpts worked together because...', 'I couldn't see why these worked together because...', 'Might it be a good idea to include in the introduction something like...' and 'How about a general conclusion saying something like...' We can discuss the word count later... Let's get the paper so that we're all more or less happy with it first.

I'll set the countdown 'til the end of the month.

Thanks and apologies as usual!


1 comment:

Heather Putnam said...

Hey all,
I really liked the format of the paper draft. Mostly because it does show lines of thought, not all of which relate one to another. I think it is important to acknowledge that all of our thinking and our research has loose ends, and usually ends in more questions! The format itself is a nod to this fact. I did make one more comment after Damien´s comment near the end, trying to relate a concern raised at the beginning of the document with the one that I and Damien were commenting on.